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In this vignette we will explore the functionality and arguments of a set of functions that will help us to understand and visualise the sequence ratio results. In particular, we will delve into the following functions:

This function builds-up on previous functions, such as generateSequenceCohortSet() and summariseSequenceRatios() function (explained in detail in previous vignettes: Step 1. Generate a sequence cohort and Step 2. Obtain the sequence ratios respectively). Hence, we will pick up the explanation from where we left off in the previous vignette.

Recall we had the table intersect in the cdm reference and that the results of sequence ratio could produced as follows (Step 2. Obtain the sequence ratios):

result <- summariseSequenceRatios(cohort = cdm$intersect)

Table output of the sequence ratio results

The function tableSequenceRatios inputs the result from summariseSequenceRatios, the default outputs a gt table.

tableSequenceRatios(result = result)
Database name Index Marker Study population Index first, N (%) Marker first, N (%) CSR (95% CI) ASR (95% CI)
Synthea synthetic health database 1191 aspirin 161 acetaminophen 1917 1,235 (64.4 %) 682 (35.6 %) 1.81 (1.65 - 1.99) 1.79 (1.63 - 1.96)

Arguments used to suppress columns

By default, it has many columns such as Index (name), Marker (name), Study population, CSR and ASR, some of these columns could be suppressed with relevant parameters. For example if one wants to not display study population, one could do the following:

tableSequenceRatios(result = result,
                    studyPopulation = FALSE)
Database name Index Marker Index first, N (%) Marker first, N (%) CSR (95% CI) ASR (95% CI)
Synthea synthetic health database 1191 aspirin 161 acetaminophen 1,235 (64.4 %) 682 (35.6 %) 1.81 (1.65 - 1.99) 1.79 (1.63 - 1.96)

Or suppress cdmName like so

tableSequenceRatios(result = result,
                    cdmName = FALSE)
Index Marker Study population Index first, N (%) Marker first, N (%) CSR (95% CI) ASR (95% CI)
1191 aspirin 161 acetaminophen 1917 1,235 (64.4 %) 682 (35.6 %) 1.81 (1.65 - 1.99) 1.79 (1.63 - 1.96)

There are also .options argument that one may wish to specify. For example, the user can specify a title:

tableSequenceRatios(result = result,
                    .options = list(title = "Title"))
Database name Index Marker Study population Index first, N (%) Marker first, N (%) CSR (95% CI) ASR (95% CI)
Synthea synthetic health database 1191 aspirin 161 acetaminophen 1917 1,235 (64.4 %) 682 (35.6 %) 1.81 (1.65 - 1.99) 1.79 (1.63 - 1.96)

Similarly, subtitle and caption can also be defined this way.

Modify type

Instead of a gt table, the user may also want to put the sequence ratio results in a flex table format (the rest of the arguments that we saw for a gt table also applies here):

tableSequenceRatios(result = result,
                    type = "flextable")

Database name



Study population

Index first, N (%)

Marker first, N (%)

CSR (95% CI)

ASR (95% CI)

Synthea synthetic health database

1191 aspirin

161 acetaminophen


1,235 (64.4 %)

682 (35.6 %)

1.81 (1.65 - 1.99)

1.79 (1.63 - 1.96)

Or a tibble:

tableSequenceRatios(result = result,
                    type = "tibble")
#> # A tibble: 1 × 8
#>   `Database name`           Index Marker `Study population` `Index first, N (%)`
#>   <chr>                     <chr> <chr>  <chr>              <chr>               
#> 1 Synthea synthetic health… 1191… 161 a… 1917               1,235 (64.4 %)      
#> # ℹ 3 more variables: `Marker first, N (%)` <chr>, `CSR (95% CI)` <chr>,
#> #   `ASR (95% CI)` <chr>

One may also wish to change the style of the output, see the R package visOmopResults for more information on how to define a style. The default style inherits from visOmopResults, however the user may set it to NULL for the gt/flextable default styling.

tableSequenceRatios(result = result,
                    type = "flextable",
                    style = NULL)

Database name



Study population

Index first, N (%)

Marker first, N (%)

CSR (95% CI)

ASR (95% CI)

Synthea synthetic health database

1191 aspirin

161 acetaminophen


1,235 (64.4 %)

682 (35.6 %)

1.81 (1.65 - 1.99)

1.79 (1.63 - 1.96)

Plot output of the sequence ratio results

Similarly, we also have plotSequenceRatios() to visualise the results.

plotSequenceRatios(result = result)

By default, it plots both the adjusted sequence ratios (and its CIs) and crude sequence ratios (and its CIs). One may wish to only plot adjusted one like so (note since only adjusted is plotted, only one colour needs to be specified):

Modify onlyaSR and colours

plotSequenceRatios(result = result,
                   onlyaSR = T,
                   colours = "black")

One could change the colour like so:

plotSequenceRatios(result = result,
                   onlyaSR = T,
                   colours = "red")

Modify plotTitle

One could set the title like so:

plotSequenceRatios(result = result,
                   onlyaSR = T,
                   plotTitle = "Adjusted Sequence Ratio",
                   colour = "black")

Modify labs

One could also change the xx and yy labels like so:

plotSequenceRatios(result = result,
                   onlyaSR = T,
                   plotTitle = "Adjusted Sequence Ratio",
                   colour = "black",
                   labs = c("sequence ratios", "analysis"))

CDMConnector::cdmDisconnect(cdm = cdm)