
September 8, 2024

Work with me

In this section each one of the members of the group described themselves, their role in the team, and some details how to work with them.

Ed Burn

Hi I am Ed …

  • Facts: loves being at home

  • The best way to contact me: When in office or github issue

  • What I value: peace

Martí Català

Hi I am Martí…

  • Facts: hates small talk and loves catalunya.

  • The best way to contact me: If I am in the office just come to speak with me. Otherwise try Teams. If I don’t answer in the first 5 hours good luck with that… try it again :)

  • What I value: honesty and anything catalan.

Danielle Newby

Hi I am Danielle…

  • Facts: loves small talk, sleeping and eating. She doesn’t like hugs.

  • The best way to contact me: Teams

  • What I value: honesty and people asking questions. People not hugging me.

Mike Du

Hi I am Mike…

Yuchen Guo

Hi I am Mimi…

Theresa Burkard

Hi I am Theresa

Xihang Chen

Hi I am Xihang…

Kim Lopez-Guell

Hi I am Kim…

Pablo Spivakovsky Gonzalez

Hi I am Pablo…

Marta Alcalde-Herraiz

Hi I am Marta…

Nuria Mercade-Besora

Hi I am Nuria…

Elin Rowlands

Hi I am Elin…

Cecilia Campanile

Hi I am Cecilia…