We can run all available checks at the same time using the
´executeChecks()´ function. This will return a list which contains the
results of each check. You can also chose only individual checks to run.
Here is a table of what the function name is in case you want to run it
individually (see Summary article) or use the executeChecks function and
put the check name as arguments.
getOverview |
overview |
Number of pregnancies and pregnant individuals |
Number of pregnancies and fetuses |
getAnnualOverview |
annualOverview |
Number of pregnancies per year |
not applicable |
getMissings |
missing |
Number of missing values for each variable |
Number of missing values for each variable |
getUnknown |
unknown |
Number of unknown values (i.e., concept ids mapped to
0) for each variable |
Number of unknown values (i.e., concept ids mapped to
0) for each variable |
summariseGestationalAge |
gestationalAge |
Correspondence of pregnancy start and end dates with
gestational length with a margin of +/- 7 days. Provides information on
the following cases: match gestational age, different gestational age,
end before start dates, end after start dates, and missing/unknown
information |
not applicable |
getValueDatesAgeDist |
datesAgeDist |
Minimum and maximum values of pregnancy start and end
dates. Distribution of gestational age |
not applicable |
checkOutcomeMode |
outcomeMode |
Correspondence of pregnancy outcome and mode of
delivery: match, no match, missing/unknown information |
not applicable |
checkFetusesLiveborn |
fetusesLiveborn |
Correspondence of number of fetuses and liveborns from
the pregnancy table data. Provides information on the following cases:
relative number right (n fetus ≥ n liveborn), relative number wrong (n
fetus ≤ n liveborn), multiple right (n fetus corresponds with
single/multiple pregnancy), multiple wrong (n fetus does not correspond
with single/multiple pregnancy), missing multiple (missing information
on either n fetus or single/multiple pregnancy) |
not applicable |
getValueWeightDist |
weightDist |
not applicable |
Birth weight distribution |
getBitSet |
bitSet |
Missing and unknown data patterns |
Missing and unknown data patterns |
checkFetusId |
Infantsid |
Correspondence of number of fetuses and liveborns from
both tables data. Provides information on the following cases:
aligned single and fetus: match between single/multiple pregnancy in the
pregnancy table with the n fetuses in the fetus table; not aligned
single and fetus: no match between single/multiple pregnancy in the
pregnancy table with the n fetuses in the fetus table; missing or
unknown data in single/multiple pregnancy; n fetus in pregnancy table
and n fetus id in fetus table aligned; n fetus in pregnancy table and n
fetus id in fetus table not aligned; missing data in n fetus |