Skip to contents
#> Attaching package: 'omopgenerics'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:stats':
#>     filter

Background panel

background <- c(
  "header" = "Abstract",
  "title" = "**Introduction**",
  "body" = "This shiny has been generated with [omopViewer](",
  "title" = "**Methods**",
  "paragraph" = "Methods example, with a footer* example.",
  "footer" = "*Here is the footer."
tdir <- here::here()
exportStaticApp(result = emptySummarisedResult(), directory = tdir, logo = NULL, background = background, open = FALSE)
#> Warning: paragraph is not allowed named for `background` and will be
#> ignored.
#> A summarised_result object with 0 rows, 0 different result_id, different cdm
#> names, and 3 settings.
#> Settings: result_type, package_name, and package_version.
#>  Processing data
#> ! Data processed: 0 result types idenfied.
#> ! No result_type(s) found, the generated shiny will be empty.
#>  Creating shiny from provided data
#>  Shiny created in: /home/runner/work/omopViewer/omopViewer/shiny