4  Building analytic pipelines for a data model

In the previous chapters we’ve seen that after connecting to a database we can create references to the various table we’re interested in and write bespoke analytic code. However, if we are working with the same database over and over again we are likely to want to build some tooling for tasks we are often performing.

To see how we can develop a data model with associated methods and functions we’ll use the Lahman baseball data. We can see below how the data is stored across various related tables.

4.1 Defining a data model


db <- dbConnect(duckdb(), dbdir = ":memory:")

Instead of manually creating references to tables of interest as we go, we will write a function to create a single reference to the Lahman data.

lahmanFromCon <- function(con) {
  tables <- c(
    "AllstarFull", "Appearances", "AwardsManagers", "AwardsPlayers", "AwardsManagers",
    "AwardsShareManagers", "Batting", "BattingPost", "CollegePlaying", "Fielding",
    "FieldingOF", "FieldingOFsplit", "FieldingPost", "HallOfFame", "HomeGames",
    "LahmanData", "Managers", "ManagersHalf", "Parks", "People", "Pitching",
    "PitchingPost", "Salaries", "Schools", "SeriesPost", "Teams", "TeamsFranchises",
  lahmanRef <- purrr::set_names(tables, tables) |> 
               purrr::map(~ tbl(con, .))
  class(lahmanRef) <- c("lahman_ref", class(lahmanRef))

With this function we can now easily get references to all our lahman tables in one go using our lahmanFromCon() function.

lahman <- lahmanFromCon(db)

lahman$People |>
Rows: ??
Columns: 26
Database: DuckDB v1.1.3 [eburn@Windows 10 x64:R 4.4.0/:memory:]
$ playerID     <chr> "aardsda01", "aaronha01", "aaronto01", "aasedo01", "abada…
$ birthYear    <int> 1981, 1934, 1939, 1954, 1972, 1985, 1850, 1877, 1869, 186…
$ birthMonth   <int> 12, 2, 8, 9, 8, 12, 11, 4, 11, 10, 9, 3, 10, 2, 8, 9, 6, …
$ birthDay     <int> 27, 5, 5, 8, 25, 17, 4, 15, 11, 14, 20, 16, 22, 16, 17, 1…
$ birthCountry <chr> "USA", "USA", "USA", "USA", "USA", "D.R.", "USA", "USA", …
$ birthState   <chr> "CO", "AL", "AL", "CA", "FL", "La Romana", "PA", "PA", "V…
$ birthCity    <chr> "Denver", "Mobile", "Mobile", "Orange", "Palm Beach", "La…
$ deathYear    <int> NA, 2021, 1984, NA, NA, NA, 1905, 1957, 1962, 1926, NA, 1…
$ deathMonth   <int> NA, 1, 8, NA, NA, NA, 5, 1, 6, 4, NA, 2, 6, NA, NA, NA, N…
$ deathDay     <int> NA, 22, 16, NA, NA, NA, 17, 6, 11, 27, NA, 13, 11, NA, NA…
$ deathCountry <chr> NA, "USA", "USA", NA, NA, NA, "USA", "USA", "USA", "USA",…
$ deathState   <chr> NA, "GA", "GA", NA, NA, NA, "NJ", "FL", "VT", "CA", NA, "…
$ deathCity    <chr> NA, "Atlanta", "Atlanta", NA, NA, NA, "Pemberton", "Fort …
$ nameFirst    <chr> "David", "Hank", "Tommie", "Don", "Andy", "Fernando", "Jo…
$ nameLast     <chr> "Aardsma", "Aaron", "Aaron", "Aase", "Abad", "Abad", "Aba…
$ nameGiven    <chr> "David Allan", "Henry Louis", "Tommie Lee", "Donald Willi…
$ weight       <int> 215, 180, 190, 190, 184, 235, 192, 170, 175, 169, 220, 19…
$ height       <int> 75, 72, 75, 75, 73, 74, 72, 71, 71, 68, 74, 71, 70, 78, 7…
$ bats         <fct> R, R, R, R, L, L, R, R, R, L, R, R, R, R, R, L, R, L, L, …
$ throws       <fct> R, R, R, R, L, L, R, R, R, L, R, R, R, R, L, L, R, L, R, …
$ debut        <chr> "2004-04-06", "1954-04-13", "1962-04-10", "1977-07-26", "…
$ finalGame    <chr> "2015-08-23", "1976-10-03", "1971-09-26", "1990-10-03", "…
$ retroID      <chr> "aardd001", "aaroh101", "aarot101", "aased001", "abada001…
$ bbrefID      <chr> "aardsda01", "aaronha01", "aaronto01", "aasedo01", "abada…
$ deathDate    <date> NA, 2021-01-22, 1984-08-16, NA, NA, NA, 1905-05-17, 1957…
$ birthDate    <date> 1981-12-27, 1934-02-05, 1939-08-05, 1954-09-08, 1972-08-…

In this chapter we will be creating a bespoke data model for our database. This approach can be further extended using the dm, which also provides various helpful functions for creating a data model and working with it.

Similar to above, we can use the dm to create a single object to our database tables.

lahman_dm <- dm(batting = tbl(db, "Batting"), 
                people = tbl(db, "People"))
── Table source ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
src:  DuckDB v1.1.3 [eburn@Windows 10 x64:R 4.4.0/:memory:]
── Metadata ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Tables: `batting`, `people`
Columns: 48
Primary keys: 0
Foreign keys: 0

Using this approach, we can make use of various utility functions. For example here we specify primary and foreign keys and then check that the key constraints are satisfied.

lahman_dm <- lahman_dm %>%
  dm_add_pk(people, playerID) %>%
  dm_add_fk(batting, playerID, people) 

── Table source ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
src:  DuckDB v1.1.3 [eburn@Windows 10 x64:R 4.4.0/:memory:]
── Metadata ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Tables: `batting`, `people`
Columns: 48
Primary keys: 1
Foreign keys: 1
ℹ All constraints satisfied.

For more information on the dm package see https://dm.cynkra.com/index.html

4.2 Creating functions for the data model

We can also now make various functions specific to our Lahman data model to facilitate data analyses. Given we know the structure of the data, we build a set of functions that abstract away some of the complexities of working with data in a database.

Let’s start by making a small function to get the teams players have played for. We can see that the code we use follows on from the last couple of chapters.

getTeams <- function(lahman, name = "Barry Bonds") {
  lahman$Batting |>
      lahman$People |>
        dplyr::mutate(full_name = paste0(nameFirst, " ", nameLast)) |>
        dplyr::filter(full_name %in% name) |>
      by = join_by(playerID)
    ) |>
    ) |>
    dplyr::distinct() |>
      by = dplyr::join_by(teamID, yearID)
    ) |>
    dplyr::select("name") |>

Now we can easily get the different teams a player represented. We can see how changing the player name changes the SQL that is getting run behind the scenes.

getTeams(lahman, "Babe Ruth")
# Source:   SQL [?? x 1]
# Database: DuckDB v1.1.3 [eburn@Windows 10 x64:R 4.4.0/:memory:]
1 New York Yankees
2 Boston Red Sox  
3 Boston Braves   
  SELECT "name"
  FROM (
    FROM (
      SELECT teamID, yearID
      FROM Batting
      INNER JOIN (
        SELECT playerID
        FROM (
          SELECT People.*, CONCAT_WS('', nameFirst, ' ', nameLast) AS full_name
          FROM People
        ) q01
        WHERE (full_name IN ('Babe Ruth'))
      ) RHS
        ON (Batting.playerID = RHS.playerID)
    ) q01
  ) LHS
    ON (LHS.teamID = Teams.teamID AND LHS.yearID = Teams.yearID)
) q01
getTeams(lahman, "Barry Bonds")
# Source:   SQL [?? x 1]
# Database: DuckDB v1.1.3 [eburn@Windows 10 x64:R 4.4.0/:memory:]
1 San Francisco Giants
2 Pittsburgh Pirates  
  SELECT "name"
  FROM (
    FROM (
      SELECT teamID, yearID
      FROM Batting
      INNER JOIN (
        SELECT playerID
        FROM (
          SELECT People.*, CONCAT_WS('', nameFirst, ' ', nameLast) AS full_name
          FROM People
        ) q01
        WHERE (full_name IN ('Barry Bonds'))
      ) RHS
        ON (Batting.playerID = RHS.playerID)
    ) q01
  ) LHS
    ON (LHS.teamID = Teams.teamID AND LHS.yearID = Teams.yearID)
) q01

collect() brings data out of the database and into R. When working with large data sets, as is often the case when interacting with a database, we typically want to keep as much computation as possible on the database side. In the case of our getTeams() function, for example, it does everything on the database side and so collecting will just bring out the result of the teams the person played for. In this case we could also use pull() get our result out as a vector rather that a data frame.

getTeams(lahman, "Barry Bonds") |>
# A tibble: 2 × 1
1 San Francisco Giants
2 Pittsburgh Pirates  
getTeams(lahman, "Barry Bonds") |>
[1] "Pittsburgh Pirates"   "San Francisco Giants"

In other cases however we may need to collect data so as to perform further analysis steps that are not possible using SQL. This might be the case for plotting or for other analytic steps like fitting statistical models. In such cases we should try to only bring out the data that we need (as we will likely have much less memory available on our local computer than is available for the database).

Similarly we could make a function to add the a player’s year of birth to a table.

addBirthCountry <- function(lahmanTbl){
  lahmanTbl |> 
    dplyr::left_join(lahman$People |> 
              dplyr::select("playerID", "birthCountry"),
lahman$Batting |>
# Source:   SQL [?? x 23]
# Database: DuckDB v1.1.3 [eburn@Windows 10 x64:R 4.4.0/:memory:]
   playerID  yearID stint teamID lgID      G    AB     R     H   X2B   X3B    HR
   <chr>      <int> <int> <fct>  <fct> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int>
 1 abercda01   1871     1 TRO    NA        1     4     0     0     0     0     0
 2 addybo01    1871     1 RC1    NA       25   118    30    32     6     0     0
 3 allisar01   1871     1 CL1    NA       29   137    28    40     4     5     0
 4 allisdo01   1871     1 WS3    NA       27   133    28    44    10     2     2
 5 ansonca01   1871     1 RC1    NA       25   120    29    39    11     3     0
 6 armstbo01   1871     1 FW1    NA       12    49     9    11     2     1     0
 7 barkeal01   1871     1 RC1    NA        1     4     0     1     0     0     0
 8 barnero01   1871     1 BS1    NA       31   157    66    63    10     9     0
 9 barrebi01   1871     1 FW1    NA        1     5     1     1     1     0     0
10 barrofr01   1871     1 BS1    NA       18    86    13    13     2     1     0
# ℹ more rows
# ℹ 11 more variables: RBI <int>, SB <int>, CS <int>, BB <int>, SO <int>,
#   IBB <int>, HBP <int>, SH <int>, SF <int>, GIDP <int>, birthCountry <chr>
SELECT Batting.*, birthCountry
FROM Batting
  ON (Batting.playerID = People.playerID)
lahman$Pitching |>
# Source:   SQL [?? x 31]
# Database: DuckDB v1.1.3 [eburn@Windows 10 x64:R 4.4.0/:memory:]
   playerID  yearID stint teamID lgID      W     L     G    GS    CG   SHO    SV
   <chr>      <int> <int> <fct>  <fct> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int>
 1 bechtge01   1871     1 PH1    NA        1     2     3     3     2     0     0
 2 brainas01   1871     1 WS3    NA       12    15    30    30    30     0     0
 3 fergubo01   1871     1 NY2    NA        0     0     1     0     0     0     0
 4 fishech01   1871     1 RC1    NA        4    16    24    24    22     1     0
 5 fleetfr01   1871     1 NY2    NA        0     1     1     1     1     0     0
 6 flowedi01   1871     1 TRO    NA        0     0     1     0     0     0     0
 7 mackde01    1871     1 RC1    NA        0     1     3     1     1     0     0
 8 mathebo01   1871     1 FW1    NA        6    11    19    19    19     1     0
 9 mcbridi01   1871     1 PH1    NA       18     5    25    25    25     0     0
10 mcmuljo01   1871     1 TRO    NA       12    15    29    29    28     0     0
# ℹ more rows
# ℹ 19 more variables: IPouts <int>, H <int>, ER <int>, HR <int>, BB <int>,
#   SO <int>, BAOpp <dbl>, ERA <dbl>, IBB <int>, WP <int>, HBP <int>, BK <int>,
#   BFP <int>, GF <int>, R <int>, SH <int>, SF <int>, GIDP <int>,
#   birthCountry <chr>
SELECT Pitching.*, birthCountry
FROM Pitching
  ON (Pitching.playerID = People.playerID)

We could then use our addBirthCountry() function as part of a larger query to summarise the proportion of players from each country over the time (based on their presence in the batting table).

plot_data <- lahman$Batting |>
  select(playerID, yearID) |> 
  addBirthCountry() |>
  filter(yearID > 1960) |> 
  mutate(birthCountry = case_when(
    birthCountry == "USA" ~ "USA",
    birthCountry == "D.R." ~ "Dominican Republic",
    birthCountry == "Venezuela" ~ "Venezuela",
    birthCountry == "P.R." ~ "Puerto Rico ",
    birthCountry == "Cuba" ~ "Cuba",
    birthCountry == "CAN" ~ "Canada",
    birthCountry == "Mexico" ~ "Mexico",
    .default = "Other"
  )) |> 
  summarise(n = n(), .by = c("yearID", "birthCountry")) |> 
  group_by(yearID) |>
  mutate(percentage = n / sum(n) * 100) |> 
  ungroup() |> 
SELECT q01.*, (n / SUM(n) OVER (PARTITION BY yearID)) * 100.0 AS percentage
  SELECT yearID, birthCountry, COUNT(*) AS n
  FROM (
WHEN (birthCountry = 'USA') THEN 'USA'
WHEN (birthCountry = 'D.R.') THEN 'Dominican Republic'
WHEN (birthCountry = 'Venezuela') THEN 'Venezuela'
WHEN (birthCountry = 'P.R.') THEN 'Puerto Rico '
WHEN (birthCountry = 'Cuba') THEN 'Cuba'
WHEN (birthCountry = 'CAN') THEN 'Canada'
WHEN (birthCountry = 'Mexico') THEN 'Mexico'
ELSE 'Other'
END AS birthCountry
    FROM (
      SELECT Batting.playerID AS playerID, yearID, birthCountry
      FROM Batting
      LEFT JOIN People
        ON (Batting.playerID = People.playerID)
    ) q01
    WHERE (yearID > 1960.0)
  ) q01
  GROUP BY yearID, birthCountry
) q01
plot_data |> 
  ggplot() +
              fill = birthCountry), width=1) + 
  theme_minimal() + 
  theme(legend.title = element_blank(), 
        legend.position = "top")

As part of our lahmanFromCon() function our data model object has the class a “lahman_ref”. Therefore as well as creating user-facing functions to work with our lahman data model, we can also define methods for the this object.

[1] "lahman_ref" "list"      

With this we can make some specific methods for “lahman_ref”. For example we can define a print method.

print.lahman_ref <- function(x, ...) {
  len <- length(names(x))
  cli::cli_h1("# Lahman reference - {len} tables")
    "{.strong tables:}",
    paste(names(x), collapse = ", ")

Now we can see a summary of our lahman data model when we print the object.

── # Lahman reference - 28 tables ──────────────────────────────────────────────
• tables: AllstarFull, Appearances, AwardsManagers, AwardsPlayers,
AwardsManagers, AwardsShareManagers, Batting, BattingPost, CollegePlaying,
Fielding, FieldingOF, FieldingOFsplit, FieldingPost, HallOfFame, HomeGames,
LahmanData, Managers, ManagersHalf, Parks, People, Pitching, PitchingPost,
Salaries, Schools, SeriesPost, Teams, TeamsFranchises, TeamsHalf

And we can see that this print is being done by the method we defined.

=> print.lahman_ref
 * print.default

4.3 Building efficient analytic pipelines

4.3.1 The risk of “clean” R code

Following on from the above approach, we might think it a good idea to make another function addBirthYear(). We can then use it along with our addBirthCountry() to get a summarise average salary by birth country and birth year.

addBirthYear <- function(lahmanTbl){
  lahmanTbl |> 
    left_join(lahman$People |> 
              select("playerID", "birthYear"),

lahman$Salaries |> 
  addBirthCountry() |> 
  addBirthYear() |> 
  summarise(average_salary = mean(salary), 
            .by = c("birthCountry", "birthYear"))
# Source:   SQL [?? x 3]
# Database: DuckDB v1.1.3 [eburn@Windows 10 x64:R 4.4.0/:memory:]
   birthCountry birthYear average_salary
   <chr>            <int>          <dbl>
 1 Venezuela         1953        628409.
 2 USA               1962       1309433.
 3 Colombia          1960        148750 
 4 P.R.              1951        303333 
 5 P.R.              1957        291333.
 6 D.R.              1960        776136.
 7 Nicaragua         1960        275000 
 8 Venezuela         1961       2038470.
 9 D.R.              1964        407096.
10 P.R.              1965       1441947.
# ℹ more rows

Although the R code on the face of it looks fine, when we look at the SQL we can see that our query has two joins to the People table. One join gets birth country and the other birth year.

SELECT birthCountry, birthYear, AVG(salary) AS average_salary
    "People...2".birthCountry AS birthCountry,
    "People...3".birthYear AS birthYear
  FROM Salaries
  LEFT JOIN People "People...2"
    ON (Salaries.playerID = "People...2".playerID)
  LEFT JOIN People "People...3"
    ON (Salaries.playerID = "People...3".playerID)
) q01
GROUP BY birthCountry, birthYear

To improve performance, we could instead have a single function to get both of these both birth country and birth year at the same time.

addCharacteristics <- function(lahmanTbl){
  lahmanTbl |> 
    left_join(lahman$People |> 
              select("playerID", "birthYear", "birthCountry"),

lahman$Salaries |> 
  addCharacteristics() |> 
  summarise(average_salary = mean(salary), 
            .by = c("birthCountry", "birthYear"))
# Source:   SQL [?? x 3]
# Database: DuckDB v1.1.3 [eburn@Windows 10 x64:R 4.4.0/:memory:]
   birthCountry birthYear average_salary
   <chr>            <int>          <dbl>
 1 USA               1969       1496593.
 2 Cuba              1987       4932700.
 3 D.R.              1984       2924854.
 4 USA               1973       2142680.
 5 D.R.              1972       2722415.
 6 Mexico            1971       2247962.
 7 USA               1964       1390524.
 8 USA               1960       1030321.
 9 USA               1989       1442446.
10 Venezuela         1991        776469.
# ℹ more rows
SELECT birthCountry, birthYear, AVG(salary) AS average_salary
  SELECT Salaries.*, birthYear, birthCountry
  FROM Salaries
  LEFT JOIN People
    ON (Salaries.playerID = People.playerID)
) q01
GROUP BY birthCountry, birthYear

All this is to show that when working with databases we should keep in mind what is going on behind the scenes in terms of SQL actually being executed.

4.3.2 Piping and SQL

Although piping functions has little impact on performance when using R with data in memory, when working with a database the SQL generated will differ when using multiple function calls (with a separate operation specified in each) instead of multiple operations within a single function call.

For example, a single mutate function creating two new variables would generate the below SQL.

lahman$People |> 
  mutate(birthDatePlus1 = 
           add_years(birthDate, 1L),
         birthDatePlus10 = 
           add_years(birthDate, 10L)) |> 
         "birthDatePlus10") |> 
  DATE_ADD(birthDate, INTERVAL '1 year') AS birthDatePlus1,
  DATE_ADD(birthDate, INTERVAL '10 year') AS birthDatePlus10
FROM People

Whereas the SQL will be different if these were created using multiple mutate calls (with now one being created in a sub-query).

lahman$People |> 
  mutate(birthDatePlus1 = 
           add_years(birthDate, 1L)) |> 
  mutate(birthDatePlus10 = 
           add_years(birthDate, 10L)) |> 
         "birthDatePlus10") |> 
  DATE_ADD(birthDate, INTERVAL '10 year') AS birthDatePlus10
  SELECT People.*, DATE_ADD(birthDate, INTERVAL '1 year') AS birthDatePlus1
  FROM People
) q01

4.3.3 Computing intermediate queries

Let’s say we want to summarise home runs in the batting table and stike outs in the pitching table by college players attended and their birth year. We could do this like so:

players_with_college <- lahman$People |> 
  select(playerID, birthYear) |> 
  inner_join(lahman$CollegePlaying |> 
              filter(!is.na(schoolID)) |> 
              select(playerID, schoolID) |> 
            by = join_by(playerID))

lahman$Batting |> 
            by = join_by(playerID)) |> 
  summarise(home_runs = sum(H, na.rm = TRUE), 
                        .by = c(schoolID, birthYear)) |> 
# A tibble: 6,206 × 3
   schoolID   birthYear home_runs
   <chr>          <int>     <dbl>
 1 cornell         1861        52
 2 unionny         1863        23
 3 unionny         1860       158
 4 casewestrn      1859       830
 5 bucknell        1869       130
 6 wisconsin       1868        27
 7 vermont         1868         2
 8 pittsburgh      1873        40
 9 cornellia       1875       162
10 mariettaoh      1872       123
# ℹ 6,196 more rows
lahman$Pitching |> 
            by = join_by(playerID)) |> 
  summarise(strike_outs = sum(SO, na.rm = TRUE), 
                        .by = c(schoolID, birthYear))|> 
# A tibble: 3,659 × 3
   schoolID   birthYear strike_outs
   <chr>          <int>       <dbl>
 1 unionny         1860         383
 2 washjeffpa      1869           4
 3 bucknell        1869         553
 4 wisconsin       1868         166
 5 vermont         1868           0
 6 pittsburgh      1873         115
 7 cornellia       1875         134
 8 williamsma      1872         378
 9 georgetown      1873           1
10 manhattan       1875          32
# ℹ 3,649 more rows

Looking at the SQL we can see, however, that there is some duplication. As part of each full query we have run our players_with_college query.

SELECT schoolID, birthYear, SUM(H) AS home_runs
  SELECT Batting.*, birthYear, schoolID
  FROM Batting
    SELECT People.playerID AS playerID, birthYear, schoolID
    FROM People
      SELECT DISTINCT playerID, schoolID
      FROM CollegePlaying
      WHERE (NOT((schoolID IS NULL)))
    ) RHS
      ON (People.playerID = RHS.playerID)
  ) RHS
    ON (Batting.playerID = RHS.playerID)
) q01
GROUP BY schoolID, birthYear
SELECT schoolID, birthYear, SUM(SO) AS strike_outs
  SELECT Pitching.*, birthYear, schoolID
  FROM Pitching
    SELECT People.playerID AS playerID, birthYear, schoolID
    FROM People
      SELECT DISTINCT playerID, schoolID
      FROM CollegePlaying
      WHERE (NOT((schoolID IS NULL)))
    ) RHS
      ON (People.playerID = RHS.playerID)
  ) RHS
    ON (Pitching.playerID = RHS.playerID)
) q01
GROUP BY schoolID, birthYear

To avoid this we could instead make use of the compute() function to force the computation of this first, intermediate, query to a temporary table in the database.

players_with_college <- players_with_college |> 

Now we have a temporary table with the result of our players_with_college query, and we can use this in both of our aggregation queries.

players_with_college |> 
FROM dbplyr_vVGJCkm9Bw
lahman$Batting |> 
            by = join_by(playerID)) |> 
  summarise(home_runs = sum(H, na.rm = TRUE), 
                        .by = c(schoolID, birthYear)) |> 
# A tibble: 6,206 × 3
   schoolID   birthYear home_runs
   <chr>          <int>     <dbl>
 1 pennst          1860      2107
 2 fordham         1865         4
 3 harvard         1856         5
 4 princeton       1863         1
 5 upenn           1866         1
 6 illinoisst      1869       321
 7 holycross       1870       834
 8 manhattan       1867         0
 9 holycross       1866         3
10 knoxil          1871         6
# ℹ 6,196 more rows
lahman$Pitching |> 
            by = join_by(playerID)) |> 
  summarise(strike_outs = sum(SO, na.rm = TRUE), 
                        .by = c(schoolID, birthYear))|> 
# A tibble: 3,659 × 3
   schoolID  birthYear strike_outs
   <chr>         <int>       <dbl>
 1 holycross      1864          33
 2 dartmouth      1868           8
 3 wake           1869           2
 4 norwichvt      1873         728
 5 cornellia      1875         134
 6 manhattan      1875          32
 7 delaware       1876        1651
 8 columbia       1877           6
 9 mewestb        1877           0
10 manhattan      1880          64
# ℹ 3,649 more rows
SELECT schoolID, birthYear, SUM(H) AS home_runs
  SELECT Batting.*, birthYear, schoolID
  FROM Batting
  LEFT JOIN dbplyr_vVGJCkm9Bw
    ON (Batting.playerID = dbplyr_vVGJCkm9Bw.playerID)
) q01
GROUP BY schoolID, birthYear
SELECT schoolID, birthYear, SUM(SO) AS strike_outs
  SELECT Pitching.*, birthYear, schoolID
  FROM Pitching
  LEFT JOIN dbplyr_vVGJCkm9Bw
    ON (Pitching.playerID = dbplyr_vVGJCkm9Bw.playerID)
) q01
GROUP BY schoolID, birthYear

In this case the SQL from our initial approach was not so complicated. However, you can imagine that without using computation to intermediate tables, the SQL associated with a series of data manipulations could quickly become unmanageable. Moreover, we can end up with inefficient code that repeatedly gets the same result as part of a larger query. Therefore although we don’t want to overuse computation of intermediate queries, it is often a necessity when creating our analytic pipelines.