CDM Table name: OBSERVATION_PERIOD (CDM v5.3 / v5.4)

Reading from hesae_attendance.

Use the hesae_attendance table to populate the observation_period table.


Destination Field Source field Logic Comment field
observation_period_id   nextval(‘public.observation_period_seq’) AS observation_period_id Autogenerate
person_id patid    
observation_period_start_date arrivaldate Retrieve the earliest date among those dates like this: LEAST(MIN(arrivaldate),linkage_coverag.end) AS min_date  
observation_period_end_date arrivaldate Retrieve the latest date among the date fields like this: GREATEST(MIN(arrivaldate), linkage_coverag.start) AS max_date  
period_type_concept_id   32880  

Please contact Ndorms Data science team if you have any questions