CDM Table name: stem_table (CDM v5.3 / v5.4)

The stem_table is a staging area where HES A&E source codes like Read codes will first be mapped to concept_ids.

Reading from hes_diagnosis_epi


Destination Field Source field Logic Comment field
id   Removed for performance reasons  
domain_id NULL    
person_id patid Use patid to lookup Person_id in the Person table  
visit_occurrence_id visit_detail.visit_occurrence_id Lookup the visit_occurrence_id of the diagnosis record in the visit_detail table where visit_detail.person_id = hesae_diagnosis.patid AND visit_detail.Visit_detail_source_value = hesae_diagnosis.aekey  
visit_detail_id visit_detail.visit_detail_id Lookup the visit_detail_id of the diagnosis record in the visit_detail table where visit_detail.person_id = hesae_diagnosis.patid AND visit_detail.Visit_detail_source_value = hesae_diagnosis.aekey  
provider_id NULL    
start_datetime hesae_attendance.arrivaldate Lookup the arrivaldate in the hesae_attendance table using the following filters: Where hesae_attendance.patid = hesae_diagnosis.patid AND hesae_attendance.aekeay = hesae_diagnosis.aekey  
concept_id diag Lookup the hesae_diagnosis.diag in the medicaldictionary and source_to_standard_vocab_map tables, if there are Read codes and ICD10 codes mapped, then get the source_concept_id WHERE Target_standard_concept = ‘S’ and target_invalid_reason is NULL.  
source_value diag When doing this you will need to Transform the hesae_diagnosis.diag into standard format that matchs the concept source_code.  
source_concept_id diag Use the hesae_diagnosis.diag to link to the medicaldictionary table to find the read codes. And use the hesae_diagnosis.diag to link to the SOURCE_TO_STANDARD_VOCAB_MAP table to find the ICD10 code source_concept_id with the following filters: Where source_vocabulary_id = ‘Read’ or ‘ICD10’ or ‘HESAE_DIAG_STCM’  
type_concept_id   32829  
operator_concept_id NULL    
unit_concept_id NULL    
unit_source_value NULL    
start_date hesae_attendance.arrivaldate Lookup the arrivaldate in the hesae_attendance table using the following filters: Where hesae_attendance.patid = hesae_diagnosis.patid AND hesae_attendance.aekeay = hesae_diagnosis.aekey  
end_date hesae_attendance.arrivaldate Lookup the arrivaldate in the hesae_attendance table using the following filters: Where hesae_attendance.patid = hesae_diagnosis.patid AND hesae_attendance.aekeay = hesae_diagnosis.aekey  
range_high NULL    
range_low NULL    
value_as_number NULL    
value_as_string NULL    
value_as_concept_id NULL    
value_source_value NULL    
end_datetime hesae_attendance.arrivaldate Lookup the arrivaldate in the hesae_attendance table using the following filters: Where hesae_attendance.patid = hesae_diagnosis.patid AND hesae_attendance.aekeay = hesae_diagnosis.aekey  
verbatim_end_date NULL    
days_supply NULL    
dose_unit_source_value NULL    
lot_number NULL    
modifier_concept_id NULL    
modifier_source_value NULL    
quantity NULL    
refills NULL    
route_concept_id NULL    
route_source_value NULL    
sig NULL    
stop_reason NULL    
unique_device_id NULL    
anatomic_site_concept_id NULL    
disease_status_concept_id NULL    
specimen_source_id NULL    
anatomic_site_source_value NULL    
disease_status_source_value NULL    
condition_status_concept_id diag_order 32902 if diag_order = 1,32908 if diag_order > 1  
condition_status_source_value diag_order    

Please contact Ndorms Data science team if you have any questions