Reading from UKB.baseline

Map p22189 (Townsend deprivation index at recruitment) to CDM Measurement.

Destination Field Source field Logic Comment field
measurement_id     Autogenerate
person_id eid    
measurement_concept_id ‘189’ ‘189’ is the source_code represents p22189 in Athena and it is mapped to Athena Standard Measurement Concept by using UKB_MEASUREMENT_STCM. Data-Field 22189
measurement_date p53_i0 The Townsend deprivation index calculated immediately prior to participant joining UK Biobank. Therefore, the date of Initial assessment visit (2006-2010) at which participants were recruited and consent given is mapped to measurement_date. Data-Field 53
measurement_datetime p53_i0    
measurement_type_concept_id   32880 - Standard algorithm  
value_as_number p22189    
measurement_source_value p22189 ‘189’ ‘189’ is the source_code represents p22189 in Athena.
measurement_source_concept_id p22189 35810148 35810148 is the concept_id of ‘189’ in Athena

Please contact Ndorms Data science team if you have any questions