CDM Table name: PROVIDER (CDM v5.3 / v5.4)

Reading from hes_episodes

Use the hes_episodes table to populate the provider table.


Destination Field Source field Logic Comment field
provider_id   nextval(‘public.sequence_pro’) AS provider_id Autogenerate
provider_name NULL    
npi NULL    
dea NULL    
specialty_concept_id tretspef,mainspef,pconsult use tretspef if tretspef<>’&’ ELSE mainspef as Speciality FROM hes_episode WHERE pconsult <> ‘&’ AND (tretspef <> ‘&’ OR mainspef <> ‘&’), inorder to retrieve the target_concept_id from source_to_concept_map by joining to the source_to_concept_map with the following JOIN: LEFT JOIN source_to_concept_map as t2 on hes_episode.specialty = t2.source_code AND t2.source_vocabulary_id = “HES_SPEC_STCM”.  
care_site_id NULL    
year_of_birth NULL    
gender_concept_id NULL    
provider_source_value pconsult    
specialty_source_value tretspef,mainspef,pconsult use tretspef if tretspef<>’&’ ELSE mainspef as Speciality FROM hes_episode WHERE pconsult <> ‘&’ AND (tretspef <> ‘&’ OR mainspef <> ‘&’), inorder to retrieve the source_code_description from source_to_concept_map by joining to the source_to_concept_map with the following JOIN: LEFT JOIN source_to_concept_map as t2 on hes_episode.specialty = t2.source_code AND t2.source_vocabulary_id = “HES_SPEC_STCM”.  
specialty_source_concept_id NULL    
gender_source_value NULL    
gender_source_concept_id NULL    

Please contact Ndorms Data science team if you have any questions