CDM Table name: Visit_detail (CDM v5.4)

Reading from hes_episodes to Visit_Detail CDM v5.4 table:


Destination Field Source field Logic Comment field
visit_detail_id   nextval(‘public.sequence_vd’) AS visit_detail_id Autogenerate
person_id patid    
visit_detail_concept_id   9201 = Inpatient visit  
visit_detail_start_date epistart COALESCE(epistart, admidate, epiend)  
visit_detail_start_datetime epistart COALESCE(epistart, admidate, epiend)  
visit_detail_end_date epiend COALESCE(epiend, discharged, epistart)  
visit_detail_end_datetime epiend COALESCE(epiend, discharged, epistart)  
visit_detail_type_concept_id   32818 = “EHR administration record”  
provider_id pconsult use hes_episode.pconsult inorder to retrieve the provider_id from provider by LEFT JOINING provider as t1 on t1.provider_source_value = hes_episode.pconsult.  
care_site_id NULL    
visit_detail_source_value epikey   This will allow us to retrieve visit_detail_id using patid.
visit_detail_source_concept_id NULL    
admitted_from_concept_id admimeth use admimeth to retrieve the target_concept_id from source_to_standard_vocab_map by doing a LEFT JOIN to source_to_standard_vocab_map as t1 on hes_hospital.admimeth = t1.source_code AND t1.source_vocabulary_id = “HESAPC_ADMIMETH_STCM”.  
admitted_from_source_value admimeth use admimeth to retrieve the source_code_description from source_to_standard_vocab_map by doing a LEFT JOIN to source_to_standard_vocab_map as t1 on hes_hospital.admimeth = t1.source_code AND t1.source_vocabulary_id = “HESAPC_ADMIMETH_STCM”.  
discharged_to_concept_id dismeth use dismeth to retrieve the target_concept_id from source_to_standard_vocab_map by doing a LEFT JOIN to source_to_standard_vocab_map as t1 on hes_hospital.dismeth = t1.source_code AND t1.source_vocabulary_id = “HESAPC_DISMETH_STCM”.  
discharged_to_source_value dismeth use dismeth to retrieve the source_code_description from source_to_standard_vocab_map by doing a LEFT JOIN to source_to_standard_vocab_map as t1 on hes_hospital.dismeth = t1.source_code AND t1.source_vocabulary_id = “HESAPC_DISMETH_STCM”.  
preceding_visit_detail_id eorder If eorder = 1 then 0 else check for preceding_visit_detail_id by using eorder for this patient using patid+epikey+spno.  
parent_visit_detail_id NULL    
visit_occurrence_id     Use spno to retrieve visit_occurrence_id from visit_occurrence.visit_source_value

Reading from hes_acp to Visit_Detail CDM v5.4 table:


Destination Field Source field Logic Comment field
visit_detail_id   nextval(‘public.sequence_vd’) AS visit_detail_id Autogenerate
person_id patid    
visit_detail_concept_id   32037 = Intensive care  
visit_detail_start_date acpstar,epistart COALESCE(acpstar,epistart)  
visit_detail_start_datetime acpstar, epistart COALESCE(acpstar,epistart)  
visit_detail_end_date acpend, epiend COALESCE(acpend, epiend)  
visit_detail_end_datetime acpend, epiend COALESCE(acpend,epiend)  
visit_detail_type_concept_id   32818 = “EHR administration record”  
provider_id hes_episodes.pconsult   Use patid+epikey to get it (only if efficient and provider populated)
care_site_id NULL    
visit_detail_source_value epikey   This will allow to retrieve visit_details_id using patid If acpn = 1 then 0 else use acpn with patid+epikey and visit_detail_source_value = “Augmented care period (ACP)” to find the preceding_visit_detail_id
visit_detail_source_concept_id NULL    
admitted_from_concept_id acpsour use acpsour to retrieve the target_concept_id from source_to_concept_map by doing a LEFT JOIN to source_to_concept_map as t1 on t1.source_code = hes_apc.acpsour AND t1.source_vocabulary_id = “HESAPC_ACPSOUR_STCM”.  
admitted_from_source_value acpsour use acpsour to retrieve the source_code_description from source_to_concept_map by doing a LEFT JOIN to source_to_concept_map as t1 on t1.source_code = hes_apc.acpsour AND t1.source_vocabulary_id = “HESAPC_ACPSOUR_STCM”.  
discharged_to_concept_id acpdisp use acpdisp to retrieve the target_concept_id from source_to_concept_map by doing a LEFT JOIN to source_to_concept_map as t1 on t1.source_code = hes_apc.acpdisp AND t1.source_vocabulary_id = “HESAPC_ACPDISP_STCM”.  
discharged_to_source_value acpdisp use acpdisp to retrieve the source_code_description from source_to_concept_map by doing a LEFT JOIN to source_to_concept_map as t1 on t1.source_code = hes_apc.acpdisp AND t1.source_vocabulary_id = “HESAPC_ACPDISP_STCM”.  
preceding_visit_detail_id   If acpn = 1 then 0 else use acpn with patid+epikey and visit_detail_source_value = “Augmented care period (ACP)” to find the preceding_visit_detail_id  
parent_visit_detail_id     Use patid + epikey where visit_detail_source_value= “Visit episode” to get the visit_detail_parent_id
visit_occurrence_id     Use spno to retrieve visit_occurrence_id from visit_occurrence.visit_source_value

Reading from hes_ccare to Visit_Detail CDM v5.4 table:


Destination Field Source field Logic Comment field
visit_detail_id   nextval(‘public.sequence_vd’) AS visit_detail_id Autogenerate
person_id patid    
visit_detail_concept_id   32037 = Intensive care  
visit_detail_start_date ccstartdate    
visit_detail_start_datetime ccstartdate use ccstartdate if ccstarttime is null else ccstartdate::timestamp + ccstarttime::time as visit_detail_start_datetime.  
visit_detail_end_date ccdisdate    
visit_detail_end_datetime ccdisdate use ccdisdate if ccdistime is null else ccdisdate::timestamp + ccdistime::time as visit_detail_end_datetime.  
visit_detail_type_concept_id   32818 = “EHR administration record”  
provider_id hes_episodes.pconsult   Use patid+epikey to get it (only if efficient and provider populated)
care_site_id NULL    
visit_detail_source_value epikey   This will allow to retrieve visit_details_id set to 0 at the end
visit_detail_source_concept_id NULL    
admitted_from_concept_id ccadmisorc use ccadmisorc to retrieve the target_concept_id from source_to_concept_map by doing a LEFT JOIN to source_to_concept_map as t1 on t1.source_code = hes_ccare.ccadmisorc AND t1.source_vocabulary_id = “HESAPC_ADMISORC_STCM”.  
admitted_from_source_value ccadmisorc use ccadmisorc to retrieve the source_code_description from source_to_concept_map by doing a LEFT JOIN to source_to_concept_map as t1 on t1.source_code = hes_ccare.ccadmisorc AND t1.source_vocabulary_id = “HESAPC_ADMISORC_STCM”.  
discharged_to_concept_id ccdisdest use ccdisdest to retrieve the target_concept_id from source_to_concept_map by doing a LEFT JOIN to source_to_concept_map as t1 on t1.source_code = hes_ccare.ccdisdest AND t1.source_vocabulary_id = “HESAPC_DISDEST_STCM”.  
discharged_to_source_value ccdisdest use ccdisdest to retrieve the source_code_description from source_to_concept_map by doing a LEFT JOIN to source_to_concept_map as t1 on t1.source_code = hes_ccare.ccdisdest AND t1.source_vocabulary_id = “HESAPC_DISDEST_STCM”.  
preceding_visit_detail_id   If eorder = 1 then 0 else use eorder with patid+epikey to find the preceding_visit_detail_id  
parent_visit_detail_id     Use patid + epikey where visit_detail_source_value= “Visit episode” to get the visit_detail_parent_id
visit_occurrence_id     Use spno to retrieve visit_occurrence_id from visit_occurrence.visit_source_value

Please contact Ndorms Data science team if you have any questions